News - January, 2022

Cipio proudly backs four climate projects which compensate CO2 in Germany, Malawi, Nepal and the worldwide Oceans.

In 2021 we have actively taken steps to reduce our CO2 emissions and we have decided to offset the amount of CO2 which we can’t avoid through 4 sustainable projects. We support the building of fuel-efficient cook stoves and household biogas units in developing countries, as well as moor renaturation and the conservation of the oceans.

Cipio proudly backs four climate projects which compensate CO2 in Germany, Malawi, Nepal and the worldwide Oceans.

We are happy to announce that Cipio Partners is CO2 neutral since the beginning of 2021, showing our commitment to fight climate change and taking the right direction to ensure a better future.

Avoiding emissions is always preferable to compensating for them later.

Therefore, we at Cipio started to monitor our CO2 emissions and found that the main factor is business travel. Now we aim to reduce travel activities, for example by holding more meetings via zoom and using the train for short distances. Instead of flying often for single visits, we try to combine meetings to longer stays and hereby reduce the number of flights. But even with our best efforts, daily activities and business operations result in some unavoidable emissions.

We have decided to offset these by a voluntary contribution to the funding of climate projects. The compensation payment is based on the emissions caused and aims to save at least the same amount of CO2 elsewhere. As a team we have together chosen four projects to compensate our unavoidable CO2 emissions.

Two of the projects aim mainly to improve ecological problems, the other two also have socio-economic impacts, besides the ecological aspect.

The first project we collectively chose is called Moorfutures, a local moor renaturation and rewetting project in Schleswig Holstein, Germany. This project is of great importance, since moors are the largest and most effective carbon stores on earth. They store twice as much carbon in their peat as there is in the world's forests.

We also decided to support Sea Shepherd, which is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns to defend wildlife and conserve and protect the world’s oceans from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction. Oceans provide more than half of the oxygen we need to live and store a significant proportion of CO2 emissions.

The third project from Atmosfair provides biogas units for energy supply to the rural households of Nepal. These biogas units replace non-renewable energy sources, such as wood, gas and kerosene and also prevent deforestation and produce the useful by-product slurry (fertile liquid manure).

Finally, we chose a project from the United Nations, where fuel-efficient cook stoves for households in Malawi are built. These stoves reduce firewood expenditures by at least 50% and improve air quality and safety. With our contribution more than 80 cook stoves can be built.

We are now looking forward to 2022, where we will strive to further reduce our emissions and will support projects that make a difference!